Phil Collins
No Jacket Required
WEA 251 699 or 2292-61699-2
original LP release: 1985
made in Germany for European market
color scheme: silver stock background with black reticle and lettering
genre: rock

Manufactured in Germany by Record Service GmbH, Alsdorf. (a)
The catalog number is 251 699-2
The center is not plastic, but metallic. Not the solid metal of a PolyGram/PDO pressing,
but more like that of the Swiss MCS plant, consisting of concentric circles of metal, that get thinner
as they get closer to the spindle hole.

Manufactured in Germany by Record Service GmbH, Alsdorf. (b)
The catalog number is 251 699-2
Here, the center is plastic.

This line is hard to read against the mirror band, so you will have to take
my word for it that it is there.
Note the new catalog number, 2292-51699-2.
This variation was issued much later, probably after the half-target discs.
Matrix number: [stylized W] 229251699-2.4 07/99 IFPI L012, with barcode-like
rectangles. Faintly stamped into the center plastic is "IFPI 0509"

These are the three most obvious different pressings that will interest most target CD collectors.
Trainspotters ONLY should go to the Notes section below, for more detailed variation information.

Front cover of the eight-page booklet
No country of manufacture or origin is mentioned.

Rear tray insert (y) still says, "Printed in West Germany" with barcode
and has added line at the bottom, "Manufactured in Germany by Record
Service GmbH, Alsdorf - Presse en Allemagne par Record Service GmbH,
Alsdorf - A Warner Communications Company". The catalog number is 251 699-2.
This back inlay was used for the Record Service pressing at top.

This tray inlay (z) was used for the Warner Music pressing. It was also used for
the half-target disc below. Note the new catalog numbers.
Nothing is printed on the reverse.

Notes: This disc was probably only distributed in Europe. The top disc (a), above,
probably dates to circa 1986. The second version (b) was probably issued around 1999.

Jewel case info: (bottom disc (b) ) ridged six-tab two-dimple case with a stylized W embossed
in the bottom right corner of the front portion and "KT 27" is embossed on one tab.
A bright yellow sticker sporting a white exclamation point is affixed to the front.
"KT 27" also embossed on the back portion of the case, inside bottom center.
Twelve-prong disc tray embossed "KT 7.1"

***** Trainspotters section *****
WARNING! If you value your sanity, please ignore this section!

There are numerous very minor matrix and/or hub area variations of discs (b) and (c).
If you care about such minutiae, pay close attention. Sane people should stay far far away!

Variation (b):
i) Matrix: 251 699-2 TOOLEX ALPHA 02 Hub area text: none
ii) Matrix: 251699-2 @2 Hub area text: none
iii) Matrix: 251699-2 @2 Hub area text: 6 (large)
iv) Matrix: 251699-2 @2 Hub area text: 7 (large)
v) Matrix: 251699-2 @2 Hub area text: 8 (large)
vi) Matrix: 251699-2 @2 Hub area text: 9 (large)
vii) Matrix: 251699-2 @2 Hub area text: 10 (large)
viii) Matrix: 251699-2 @2 Hub area text: 11 (large)
ix) Matrix: 251699-2 @2 Hub area text: 12 (large)
x) Matrix: 251699-2 @2 Hub area text: 15 (large)
xi) Matrix: 251699-2 @2 Hub area text: 16 (large)
xii) Matrix: 251699-2 @2 Hub area text: 17 (large)

Variation (c):
i) Matrix: [stylized W] 229251699-2.3 WME IFPI L012 Hub: IFPI 0509 (small)
ii) Matrix: [stylized W] 229251699-2.3 WME IFPI L012 Hub: IFPI 05A5 (small)
iii) Matrix: [stylized W] 229251699-2.3 WME IFPI L012 Hub: IFPI 05N9 (small)
iv) Matrix: [stylized W] 229251699-2.4 07/9 IFPI L012 Hub: IFPI 0516 (small)
v) Matrix: [stylized W] 229251699-2.4 07/9 IFPI L012 Hub: IFPI 0518 (small)
vi) Matrix: [stylized W] 229251699-2.4 07/9 IFPI L012 Hub: IFPI 0519 (small)
vii) Matrix: [stylized W] 229251699-2.4 07/9 IFPI L012 Hub: IFPI 0569 (small)
viii) Matrix: [stylized W] 229251699-2.4 07/9 IFPI L012 Hub: IFPI 0570 (small)
ix) Matrix: [stylized W] 229251699-2.4 07/9 IFPI L012 Hub: IFPI 0575 (small)
x) Matrix: [stylized W] 229251699-2.4 07/9 IFPI L012 Hub: IFPI 05E1 (small)
xi) Matrix: [stylized W] 229251699-2.4 07/9 IFPI L012 Hub: IFPI 05M3 (small)
xii) Matrix: [stylized W] 229251699-2.4 07/9 IFPI L012 Hub: IFPI 05M9 (small)
xiii) Matrix: [stylized W] 229251699-2.4 07/9 IFPI L012 Hub: IFPI 05R2 (small)

These are only the verified (very) minor variations. Likely, there are more to be found.

A early half-target version (e).
"Manufactured in Germany by TELDEC Record Service GmbH" onder the Compact Disc logo.
An "ALL RIGHTS..." declaration, in three languages, is placed in the outer mirror band, in a small font.
The matrix number is 251699-2 @ 2, and a roman numeral "V" along with a stylized "W" are embossed in the plastic center.
There are numerous variations of this general theme. This one comes with tray insert (z), above.

A later half-target version (f).
"Made in Germany" onder the Compact Disc logo. Here, the catalog number is 2292-51699-2.
An "ALL RIGHTS..." declaration, in three languages, is placed in the outer mirror band, in a small font.
The matrix number is 251699-2 @ 2, and a small "22" is embossed in the plastic center.
There are numerous variations of this general theme. This one also comes with tray insert (z), above.

"Manufactured in Germany by TELDEC Record Service GmbH"
Another half-target version (g) that is hard to date. The catalog number on the disc (251 699)
suggests a mid-1980s date, but other clues point to this being issued in the mid-1990s.
The matrix info is: 229251699-2.3 WME plus barcode-like rectangles and IFPI L012.
"3" and a stylized "W" are embossed in the plastic center. "ifpi 0612" is buried within the plastic.
It has the same paper inserts as (z).

This gold-tinted half-target version (d) was issued in Europe as part of the
40 Golden Greats reissue series in the late 1980's. Presumably it uses the same
rear tray insert as the regular half-target. A special sticker was affixed to
the front of the jewel case.
