Matrix number: 2292 40253-2 2893 318 01
Later copies are found with MADE IN W. GERMANY BY PDO etched around the center hole on the reverse (b).
Same matrix number, known suffixes: V
Even later copies will say MADE IN WEST | | GERMANY on the obverse, and
MADE IN W. GERMANY BY PDO is etched around the center hole on the reverse (c).
I don't have a picture yet.
Front cover, only a single sheet, not a booklet.
Verso states "Manufactured by PolyGram in Hanover, West Germany
Printed in West Germany"
All that is omitted on the cover sheet that comes with disc variation (c).
Rear tray insert "Printed in West Germany" with barcode.
"2 40253-2" is printed on the reverse.
Later non-target pressings may also be found with this inlay.
Check the disc before purchasing!
The tray card that comes with disc (c), among other small differences,
adds "Manufactured in Germany..."
Nothing is printed on the reverse.
Notes: This target CD was not distributed in the US, as far as I know.
It is much more likely to be found in Europe.